Knowing PHP code and building website
what is php? php is code for building website.
then what diferent php and html? not diferent it same but on html just build static website then php is code for build html, below file of html and php.
You can search more what detail deferent of both. Now i want to learn about php.
Oke for first maybe you can download xampp or other locahost provider, i use xampp because it so usefull for development website. link download
if you finnish instaling in your computer , now opene the program xampp and start.
you can ceking in your browser for localhost, now i want make a website you just go to (in windows) C => xampp => htdocs => then create new folder for your name domain, i make folder soeratmand
like picture. Then i create new textdocument and change name and format by index.php. why must index.php? this for make your website is indexed in browser when you link localhost/yournameFolder(domain). so test in browser your website.
you see it blank but noting code. now back to your folder domain in index file edit by simple code:
this basic code for building website.
why code its same by html? yeah same, but in next code is deferent
what function head and body? head is do in back and body is what you see when you open some website.
now i want add text in head and body in php code:
<title>Soeratmand Make Website
<h1>Hello World</h1>
you can access that but noting php behavior in code. How add code php there:
you can add stucture if else then looping method in <?php...//yourcomand..?> and for show your code use echo"......";
Oke mabe for first learn like that ypu can add methode php in body or like i make it up to you. What profitly using php? you can make html and script but if you file is html you just make css and script not php behavior. thank you see in next article bye.
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